
Serial Communication

Protocol (v2, being implemented)

  • extra bit for checksum + start code
    • start code should maybe allow for settings? like for [idk I used to have an idea for this one]
  • might need to slow down the rate just a bit
    • do the math to have a built-in rate limiter in both PYTHON and arduinio code!
      • or at least functionally. I don’t know if you’ll need the arduino side? I think python rate limit is all you’ll need.

Protocol (v1, being depreciated):

Example packet: b'\x01\x82\x02\x8b\x00\x7f\x00'
Bits in packet:

0: keyboard key state
1: keyboard key being pressed
2: x coord
3: x coord
4: y coord
5: y coord
6: mouse press/release
Bit #
keyboard key state
keyboard key being pressed
x coord
x coord
y coord
y coord
mouse press/release
Keyboard key state
1 = press, 0 = release (I think)
Key being pressed
The two 8-bit integers are converted to binary, then shifted by 8 bits to the left. They’re then combined using a logical OR operation. This results in a 16-bit number, where the first 8 bits come from the first number and the second 8 bits come from the second number. This is denoted by the “h” within "!BBhhB"
Mouse press/release
Each mouse button has its own ID (1,2,3,etc). The ID for a press is just the given (or otherwise transformed0 button ID, and the “release” ID is given ID+ mouseLevelShift. This allows us to just add 4 (for example) to Button_ID_1, and now 1 is press, 5 is release

Example implementation:

packet = pack("!BBhhB", key_state, key , x, y, mouse)
if serialComms: ser.write(packet)

Implementation as a function:

import serial.tools.list_ports import serial from struct import pack from debug_settings import * #debug toggles selected_port = "COM5" #show_port_menu() print("Starting serial communication with:", selected_port) if serialComms: ser = serial.Serial(selected_port, 19200) #^or any other code to begin serial communication def serial_send(key_state, key, x, y, mouse_state): packet = pack("!BBhhB", key_state, key, x, y, mouse_state) if serialComms and printSerial: ser.write(packet) print(packet)

Calling the function:

serial_send(key_state, key, mouse_position.x, mouse_position.y, mouse_button_state)

Example of proper keyboard output:

press: b'\x01a\x04\xe5\x00\x00\x00'
release: b'\x00a\x04\xe5\x00\x00\x00'
⭐ not case-sensitive